Terms and Conditions


1.1) The Afrikaner Foundation is an independent website, compiled and published on https://afrikaner.org/.

1.2) The Afrikaner Foundation has been compiled specifically with a view to rendering services to members and supporters of The Afrikaner Foundation. Using The Afrikaner Foundation website is free of charge, although certain services can only be seen or used by fully paid-up members of The Afrikaner Foundation.

1.3) The Afrikaner Foundation aims to expose users to all the institutions of the The Afrikaner Foundation and the relevant benefits and services offered by them.


2.1) Conversations on the website take place within a specific preferential space reflected by the content of the website.

2.2) Christian values framework: The conversations take place within a Christian framework, which will affect the style and content of the conversations.

2.3) Individual freedom: Every person is in the first place responsible for himself or herself and should be free from coercion to follow his/her calling.

2.4) Free community forming: Every person should be able to live life to the full in a community – the cornerstone of civilisation and a meaningful life.

2.5) Respect for the authority of tradition: The onus of proof for rejecting a custom or tradition rests on the person who does the rejecting.

2.6) Approach: A civilised ton is adopted in articles. Readers may find the articles challenging but not aggravating.


3.1) The user uses the website at his/her own risk.

3.2) By using https://afrikaner.org/, i.e. The Afrikaner Foundation, the user gives The Afrikaner Foundation permission to contact him/her at any of the contact details provided when his/her user profile was created.

3.3) The Afrikaner Foundation endeavours to use original material and to exchange ideas and opinions openly, fairly and in an unrestricted way. The views and comments of users of this website are therefore their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the management and editorial team of The Afrikaner Foundation.

3.4) The Afrikaner Foundation does not offer any guarantees regarding the website or its content.

3.5) The Afrikaner Foundation does not guarantee the truth or correctness of any information posted on the website. Although The Afrikaner Foundation does everything in its power to ensure the quality and accuracy of the services and information, it is the user’s responsibility to check the truth or correctness thereof.

3.6) The Afrikaner Foundation is not liable for any loss, expenses or damages of whatsoever nature that the user may suffer or incur as a result of his/her access to or use of any information contained on the website, including, without limit, any loss, expenses or damages that arose as a result of one of the following:

  • incorrect information contained on the website;
  • unauthorised access to or amendment of the website by a third party;
  • the website not being available;
  • the user’s data or computer, or the data or computer equipment of a third party the user used to gain access to the website, being lost or destroyed;
  • liaison or trading with or the use of services of an independent service provider or advertiser on The Afrikaner Foundation.

 3.7) The user indemnifies The Afrikaner Foundation against any warning, claim or legal action instituted against The Afrikaner Foundation and/or the institutions of the The Afrikaner Foundation that arise directly or indirectly from the user’s use of, participation in, or access to this website.

3.8) The Afrikaner Foundation retains the right to change the website and/or its content, upgrade it or suspend it at its own discretion and at any time.

3.9) The Afrikaner Foundation reserves the right to moderate, remove, or censor any content shared on the platform that violates any of our policies or guidelines. We also reserve the right to suspend or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly violate these rules.

3.10) The user is himself/herself responsible for any content that the user sends to The Afrikaner Foundation, loads on the website or forwards to a third party by means of The Afrikaner Foundation.

3.11) By uploading or sharing content on The Afrikaner Foundation, users confirm that they have the rights to this content, and that it does not violate any laws or infringe upon copyright, trademarks or other intellectual property rights. Users are solely responsible for the content they share and any violations it may cause.

3.12) The Afrikaner Foundation will not be held responsible for the loss of any content that the user loads onto the website or that has been forwarded by the website, and it is the responsibility of the user to make a reserve copy.

3.13) Without derogating from the general meaning of the above, the user admits and accepts that when he/she posts any publication, comment, information or any other contribution on the website, it could, as a result of slander, lead to potential harm to other users of The Afrikaner Foundation publishing on the website.

3.14) Without derogating from the above, the user indemnifies The Afrikaner Foundation against any claim for slander that the user could potentially institute against another The Afrikaner Foundation user or that can be instituted against him/her by such other users.


4.1) The Afrikaner Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy. Personal data collected from users, such as the contact information provided when their profile is created, will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which describes in detail how we collect, use and protect user data.

4.2) The user gives his/her permission for The Afrikaner Foundation to collect the personal information the user imparts to us by using the website. By uploading information onto the website, the user agrees that The Afrikaner Foundation may collect, process and store the information under these terms and conditions. This consent is deemed to be full consent under the Protection of Personal Information Act (No. 4 of 2013) (POPIA).

4.3) The Afrikaner Foundation can use this personal information in order to market products within The Afrikaner Foundation and partners, as well to improve the functionality of the website. By accepting these terms and conditions, the user consents to be contacted by Institutions within The Afrikaner Foundation to present products and services, and that his or her personal information may be used for historical, statistical and research purposes.

4.4) The Afrikaner Foundation will only share the user’s personal information with selected third parties who render services on the website. These third parties are clearly indicated on the website on the specific portal where the user shares his/her information.

4.5) The Afrikaner Foundation will not share the user’s information with any other party who is not a partner of the website without obtaining the user’s permission beforehand, unless The Afrikaner Foundation is compelled to do so in terms of current legislation, if this is required to run the website or if it is in the public interest to release the information.

4.6) The user hereby gives his/her permission that The Afrikaner Foundation may pass on his/her personal information to the website’s service providers and partners in order to run the website.

4.7) Cookies: A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie, or browser cookie, is a small volume of data sent from a website and stored in the user’s web browser while the user uses the website.

4.8) Every time the user visits the website, the browser returns the cookie to the server to inform the website of the user’s previous activity.

4.9) Cookies are reliable instruments when designing websites to recall information on a statement (e.g. items in an e-shopping cart) or to capture the user’s browser activities (including clicks on specific buttons, sign-ons, or the pages used months or years ago by the user). The Afrikaner Foundation uses cookies.

4.10) The user accepts the content of paragraphs 4.7 – 4.9 above.


5.1) Copyright and all other immaterial property law of the website, including the lay-out, design, logos, graphics and multimedia works appearing on it, belong to The Afrikaner Foundation unless such rights are expressly reserved by the author before they are published on the website.

5.2) The user may look at, print and make one copy of such works on his/her hard drive, on condition that:

  • it is for personal use and is not used for any commercial purpose;
  • the user displays a rendering of our copyright notice on every copy;
  • the user does not change the works in such a way that it is harmful to The Afrikaner Foundation.

 5.3) Without derogating from the provisions contained in paragraph 5.1 above, The Afrikaner Foundation confirms that the copyright of contributions, articles and other literary works created by the user and sent to The Afrikaner Foundation, belong to the user. As soon as the user posts any articles, contributions or other literary works on the website, that action gives The Afrikaner Foundation a transferable, perpetual, worldwide and tantième-free licence to put the user’s works on the The Afrikaner Foundation.

5.4) If the intellectual property of material presented by a user for placement on the website belongs to a third party, the user undertakes to inform the third party of this, and the user indemnifies The Afrikaner Foundation against any claim that the owner of those intellectual property rights can institute against The Afrikaner Foundation.

5.5) The trademarks and logos on The Afrikaner Foundation are the registered, and where applicable, the non-registered trademarks of The Afrikaner Foundation. Nothing on the website may be interpreted in such a way as to mean that the user obtains a licence or the right to use any trademark without The Afrikaner Foundation’s permission.


6.1) From time-to-time The Afrikaner Foundation uses the practice of aggregation of content by republishing information gathered from other sources.

6.2) Aggregated content is always rewritten by The Afrikaner Foundation’s personnel.

6.3) Where possible, new information is added

6.4) The original source of aggregated content is always indicated, with an active link to the original source article.

6.5) The discretion of deciding which content is put on The Afrikaner Foundation rests exclusively with The Afrikaner Foundation.

6.6) When using content from other sources, The Afrikaner Foundation will ensure that it complies with copyright laws and, where necessary, obtain permission from the original source.

6.7) The Afrikaner Foundation undertakes to take reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of aggregated content prior to publication.

6.8) If aggregated content is modified or updated after publication, The Afrikaner Foundation will clearly indicate that changes have been made as well as the nature of such changes.

6.9) Users of the The Afrikaner Foundation are encouraged to report to The Afrikaner Foundation any errors or concerns regarding aggregated content.


7.1) The website contains links to other websites with information and other material created by third parties. The Afrikaner Foundation cannot accept any liability for the content on these websites.

7.2) A link on The Afrikaner Foundation website to another website does not mean that The Afrikaner Foundation has checked the content of that website and neither does it mean that The Afrikaner Foundation approved that content.

7.3) The Afrikaner Foundation is not responsible for the security practices or privacy policies of any linked third-party websites. Users should check the privacy policy and security provisions of such websites.

7.4) Users agree to indemnify The Afrikaner Foundation from any liability, direct or indirect, that may arise as a result of the use of content, services, or any other material obtained on or through a third-party website.


8.1) Any user is welcome to make comments and participate in The Afrikaner Foundation. However, these comments should be free from racism, sexism, homophobia, inappropriate personal remarks, other forms of hate speech or crude, strong and foul language.

8.2) Users are linked to an electronic profile.

8.3) Users may use only one profile on The Afrikaner Foundation.

8.4) Users’ comments are placed automatically and unchanged on The Afrikaner Foundation as they are made.

8.5) Comments must be in accordance with the civilised tone and value system of The Afrikaner Foundation.

8.6) The intentional disruption of conversations, among other things by making irrelevant, provoking statements, that is to say by trolling or flaming, is not permitted.

8.7) Stalking fellow commentators by focusing continuously on their comments and standing in the way of other people responding meaningfully to those commentators is not permitted.

8.8) Repeatedly placing the same content in different comment pieces or placing irrelevant information or links to irrelevant web addresses, is not permitted.

8.9) Racist and sexist comment, or comment that is otherwise offensive or discriminatory, is not allowed.

8.10) Other readers, users and commentators may not be personally attacked and/or humiliated.

8.11) Comment must be relevant to the article about which the comment is made.

8.12) Comment that incites violence, represents hate speech, includes crude or foul use of language, or that is slanderous or blasphemous, will not be tolerated.

8.13) The successful placement of comment is subject to an automatic screening process based on a previously determined list of undesirable and unacceptable words and phrases.

8.14) Liaison, trading or price fixing with, or the use of services of an independent service provider or advertiser on The Afrikaner Foundation, remains the exclusive responsibility of the user.

8.15) The Afrikaner Foundation will not act as the middleman or agent of any user of The Afrikaner Foundation or independent service provider or advertiser.

8.16) By using The Afrikaner Foundation website or any portion thereof, including but not limited to portals, the Facebook page of The Afrikaner Foundation and the blogs, or The Afrikaner Foundation newsletter (jointly the “website”), the user commits himself/herself to the conditions of use as set out here. The conditions of use come into force at the time the user uses the website for the first time and forms a perpetual agreement between the user and The Afrikaner Foundation.

8.17) If users do not wish to be bound by the terms and conditions set out here, they must refrain from visiting or using the website, and/or from making contributions to it.

8.18) The Afrikaner Foundation retains the right, without further notice, to remove unilaterally any comment that, in our opinion, is not subject to the terms of this policy.

8.19) The user does not have to be informed of his/her comments being removed and The Afrikaner Foundation does not need to give reasons for removing them.


9.1) If any user submits a complaint/grievance about another user’s comment and/or profile, the complaint/grievance will be investigated by The Afrikaner Foundation.

9.2) The preferred mechanism for comment and profile control is the judgement of other users who report inappropriate comments and/or profiles by means of the built-in complaint mechanism.

9.3) The computer function that can be used to address complaints to The Afrikaner Foundation is located underneath every article in the Comments block, at the link “Report”.

9.4) Comments about which a certain number of complaints have been received, as determined by the editing team from time to time, are usually removed.

9.5) Comments that receive a complaint providing full reasons for the complaint, even if there are no complaints from other users, are evaluated according to the merits of the case.

9.6) On accepting these terms and conditions, the user accepts his/her comments and/or profile may be amended or removed if they do not meet these terms and conditions.

9.7) If a user is repeatedly guilty of violating these terms and conditions, he/she can, in terms of clause 8.18 above, be permanently blocked from commenting on The Afrikaner Foundation or from creating a profile again.

9.8) Users have the right to appeal or file a counter-complaint if they feel that their comments have been unfairly removed or that they have been treated unfairly by The Afrikaner Foundation. To submit an appeal or counter-complaint, the user must send a motivated letter to The Afrikaner Foundation administration, clearly setting out the reasons for the appeal or counter-complaint.


10.1) The Afrikaner Foundation may change the terms and conditions of The Afrikaner Foundation at any time. By viewing the website, the user commits himself/herself to the latest version of the terms and conditions.

10.2) The user realises that it is his/her duty to be abreast of the latest version of the terms and conditions of The Afrikaner Foundation.

10.3) All legal matters of members outside the field of labour law can be dealt with by independent service providers on The Afrikaner Foundation. The use of one of these service providers does not form part of the member benefits of The Afrikaner Foundation.

10.4 The Afrikaner Foundation is not bound by the advice and articles published on the page. When the user reads an article, the publication date must be noted so that the user can ascertain the latest legal position,

10.5) No other terms or conditions for the use of the website except the latest version on the website will be regarded as binding, and the user commits himself/herself irrevocably to this version.

10.6) Should a dispute arise about the content of the latest conditions of use, the decision of The Afrikaner Foundation will be final in this regard.


11.1) The Afrikaner Foundation may use cookies and other similar technologies to improve the user experience on the website and to offer personalised content and advertisements. By using the website, the user agrees to the use of cookies in accordance with The Afrikaner Foundation’s privacy policy. Users are encouraged to regularly review The Afrikaner Foundation’s privacy policy to stay informed of how their personal information is protected and used.


12.1) Click here to read more.


13.1 The User respects the privacy, confidentiality and confidentiality of all information and data in its possession, and its contents.

13.2 The User acknowledges that needs access to certain user confidential information to comply with agreements and contracts.

13.3 Based on para 13.1 and 13.2, the user of The Afrikaner Foundation requires that:

a) customer confidential information will be kept strictly confidential and is used only for the purposes of this Agreement;

b) The Afrikaner Foundation will use the same security measures and methods as it uses to protect its own confidential information of the same sensitivity;

c) The Afrikaner Foundation shall limit the disclosure of the User’s confidential information to its employees and subcontractors who require it for the purposes of performing their obligations under this Agreement;

d) The Afrikaner Foundation will act in good faith at all times regarding the disclosure of the User’s information and data; and

e) no disclosure of any confidential information of the User by The Afrikaner Foundation, its agents, representatives or employees may occur to any third party without the prior written consent of the User;

 13.4 The User requires The Afrikaner Foundation to maintain reasonable care regarding the secure receipt, storage and transmission of electronic communications arising from this Agreement. The term “reasonable care” includes, but is not limited to:

a) installing, maintaining and updating technical security measures that protect the The Afrikaner Foundation’s computer infrastructure from malicious software such as viruses and worms;

b) the regular installation, maintenance and review of physical security measures such as alarms and security guards, which safeguard The Afrikaner Foundation computer infrastructure; and

(c) the preparation, maintenance and regular review of procedural safeguards in the form of policies, standards and guidelines which explicitly set out what the The Afrikaner Foundation’s employees are allowed to do as well as prohibited action in respect of the User’s confidential information which may come under the employees’ knowledge.

13.5 The Afrikaner Foundation agrees to notify the User without delay of any breach of confidentiality and to provide all reasonable co-operation to limit or prevent any possible consequences of any breach of confidentiality.

13.6 A breach of confidential information will in all circumstances be considered material. If this Agreement is not implemented for any reason, The Afrikaner Foundation shall forthwith undertake to return any document and other tangible material that constitutes confidential information, whether printed or electronic or otherwise, to the User, provided that such information remains the exclusive property of the User.

13.7 For the sake of clarity, The Afrikaner Foundation shall not use or disclose such information except with the prior written consent of the User or in accordance with an order of a court of competent jurisdiction or to comply with any law or governmental regulations or which may be lawfully requested by a governmental authority or, in the case of information relating to a party, for the claim of such a party.

Language Policy

The Afrikaner Foundation is an Afrikaans institution that aims to garner support from outside South Africa for Afrikaners’ aspirations to continue to exist freely, safely and prosperously at the southern tip of Africa. Given that the Afrikaner Foundation’s external communication is primarily aimed at an English-speaking audience, external communication mostly takes place in English.

Standard UK English is used by default. American English (US English) can also be used when communicating with an American audience. When circumstances warrant, other languages ​​can also be used.

Since the Afrikaner Foundation is an institution from within the Afrikaans-speaking and more specifically, the Afrikaner community, all internal communication takes place in Afrikaans.