Orania strives to create a self-contained, independent home for Afrikaners in which every resident can thrive freely, safely and prosperously. This home must not only be sustainable, but also be able to grow and thrive in harmony with the continent in general, and its immediate surroundings in particular.

Orania strives to create a self-contained, independent home for Afrikaners in which every resident can thrive freely, safely and prosperously. This home must not only be sustainable, but also be able to grow and thrive in harmony with the continent in general, and its immediate surroundings in particular.
The endeavour of Orania forms part of the Solidarity Movement’s federal plan which aims to nurture Afrikaners’ identity, set up community structures for Afrikaners and create a space in which Afrikaners can live and work in freedom.
An office was consequently opened in 2020, which enabled the Solidarity Movement to become involved as a co-developer in a variety of activities in Orania.
Since then, a development company, the Orania Ontwikkelingsmaatskappy (Orania development company) (OOM), coordinates and manages all aid, investments and projects of the Solidarity Movement in Orania. Regarding the establishment of facilities, OOM was responsible for the establishment of the Steenbok Inn and the Gannabos housing complex, among other things. The former is a facility where groups visiting Orania can stay, while the latter provides accommodation for 102 families. OOM was also responsible for setting up a safety centre, Bo-Karoo safety center. This centre currently houses a medical centre and Orania’s security operations, as well as those of the region are coordinated here.

City Development Fund
The creation of basic infrastructure is a prerequisite for successful growth and development.
As the state does not provide any input towards the establishment of any infrastructure as far as Orania is concerned, the City Development Fund was created.
The City Development Fund strives to generate the capital needed to develop Orania from a town to a city. This fund has been in existence for the past five years and has already played a significant role in the success that Orania has achieved in many areas.
- Urban design framework
In terms of its population, Orania has shown constant growth of around 15% per year. It is estimated that this growth may even increase as Orania develops its capacity to offer certain services and opportunities to its residents.
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Thorough planning is of crucial importance for Orania to grow from a town to a city in a structured way. With the aid of the City Building Fund, the Orania development company, known as the Orania Ontwikkelingsmaatskappy (OOM), could enlist the services of architects and urban designer to draft a complete urban development framework for Orania. All present and future development in and expansion of Orania will be based on this framework. The urban development framework ensures that Orania will not only grow into a well-functioning city but will also have a distinctive character.
- Energy Security
For growth and development to take place a stable power grid is a precondition. Not only does surplus electricity create confidence in a certain area but it also makes it appealing to potential investors and is an enabler for investment in the economy.
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The involvement of the City Building Fund in Orania’s solar farm, Orasol, ensures that Orania takes the lead in providing in its own electricity needs. Orasol, which generates 1,25 megawatt at peak, has backup battery capacity of 4,8 megawatt hour, and offers energy security to all residents, businesses and industries.
Among other things, the contribution of the City Building Fund makes it possible for Orasol to switch seamlessly between the solar farm, battery backup and the Eskom substation during power outages.
The ripple effect of electricity availability on Orania’s economy is clearly obvious. Productivity which could not always be as desired due to frequent power outages, has improved considerably. At the same time, a stable power grid makes it possible for new businesses to operate their businesses in a sustainable manner.
- The installation of optical fibre
To be successful in the modern world in which we live it is crucial that a community must be and remain at the forefront of new development and technology. The installation of optical fibre to residential as well as commercial premises is a basic necessity for this to happen.
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The City Building Fund made an important contribution to establish a fast, stable and affordable basic optic fibre network in Orania. The project was preceded by master planning, as well as the establishment of a cyber room from where the services are distributed. A data tower was erected to accommodate the equipment which contributes to a total internet and communication solution for Orania.
- Roads and pavements
For Orania to grow and prosper as a Western society, the image the town projects is of the utmost importance. Since the Roman civilisation roads are considered to be indicative of the level of civilisation. For example, the existence of tarred roads is seen as a sign of economic growth and development.
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During the past few years, the Orania Dorpsraad (town council) acquired the ability to tar roads itself. However, undertaking this task requires major capital outlay. In residential areas the costs can be recovered from the sale of property, but this does not apply in the case of access and link roads. As Orania does not receive any help from the state for the establishment of infrastructure, the money had to be sourced from elsewhere. Through financial assistance, the City Building Fund could empower the town council to continue with the construction and upgrading of certain key routes.
- Renovation of the town hall
A town hall is always at the centre of any community. This is where a community meets to discuss matters of common interest, to socialise and to worship together. It gives identity to the community and knits residents together in a close unit.
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Orania’s town hall was built back in the seventies by the then Department of Water Affairs. The building, primarily constructed of compressed paper panels, requires ongoing maintenance. With the aid of funds granted for this purpose by the City Building Fund contractors could make a start with the renovation of the building. A new air conditioning system was installed, the walls were painted, areas were tiled, and bathrooms were revamped. The building’s new appearance creates an impression of style and professionalism. The residents of Orania once again have a town hall to be proud of.
- Urban design framework
In terms of its population, Orania has shown constant growth of around 15% per year. It is estimated that this growth may even increase as Orania develops its capacity to offer certain services and opportunities to its residents.
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Thorough planning is of crucial importance for Orania to grow from a town to a city in a structured way. With the aid of the City Building Fund, the Orania development company, known as the Orania Ontwikkelingsmaatskappy (OOM), could enlist the services of architects and urban designer to draft a complete urban development framework for Orania. All present and future development in and expansion of Orania will be based on this framework. The urban development framework ensures that Orania will not only grow into a well-functioning city but will also have a distinctive character.
- Energy Security
For growth and development to take place a stable power grid is a precondition. Not only does surplus electricity create confidence in a certain area but it also makes it appealing to potential investors and is an enabler for investment in the economy.
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The involvement of the City Building Fund in Orania’s solar farm, Orasol, ensures that Orania takes the lead in providing in its own electricity needs. Orasol, which generates 1,25 megawatt at peak, has backup battery capacity of 4,8 megawatt hour, and offers energy security to all residents, businesses and industries.
Among other things, the contribution of the City Building Fund makes it possible for Orasol to switch seamlessly between the solar farm, battery backup and the Eskom substation during power outages.
The ripple effect of electricity availability on Orania’s economy is clearly obvious. Productivity which could not always be as desired due to frequent power outages, has improved considerably. At the same time, a stable power grid makes it possible for new businesses to operate their businesses in a sustainable manner.
- The installation of optical fibre
To be successful in the modern world in which we live it is crucial that a community must be and remain at the forefront of new development and technology. The installation of optical fibre to residential as well as commercial premises is a basic necessity for this to happen.
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The City Building Fund made an important contribution to establish a fast, stable and affordable basic optic fibre network in Orania. The project was preceded by master planning, as well as the establishment of a cyber room from where the services are distributed. A data tower was erected to accommodate the equipment which contributes to a total internet and communication solution for Orania.
- Roads and pavements
For Orania to grow and prosper as a Western society, the image the town projects is of the utmost importance. Since the Roman civilisation roads are considered to be indicative of the level of civilisation. For example, the existence of tarred roads is seen as a sign of economic growth and development.
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During the past few years, the Orania Dorpsraad (town council) acquired the ability to tar roads itself. However, undertaking this task requires major capital outlay. In residential areas the costs can be recovered from the sale of property, but this does not apply in the case of access and link roads. As Orania does not receive any help from the state for the establishment of infrastructure, the money had to be sourced from elsewhere. Through financial assistance, the City Building Fund could empower the town council to continue with the construction and upgrading of certain key routes.
- Renovation of the town hall
A town hall is always at the centre of any community. This is where a community meets to discuss matters of common interest, to socialise and to worship together. It gives identity to the community and knits residents together in a close unit.
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Orania’s town hall was built back in the seventies by the then Department of Water Affairs. The building, primarily constructed of compressed paper panels, requires ongoing maintenance. With the aid of funds granted for this purpose by the City Building Fund contractors could make a start with the renovation of the building. A new air conditioning system was installed, the walls were painted, areas were tiled, and bathrooms were revamped. The building’s new appearance creates an impression of style and professionalism. The residents of Orania once again have a town hall to be proud of.
The need for competent, well-trained artisans in Orania led to the creation of a training centre, Bo-Karoo Opleiding (BKO), to provide appropriate training. In this way, BKO not only meets Orania’s need for expert artisans, but also improves residents’ standard of living.
OOM also likes to support other public enterprises, such as the various schools, Karoosig retirement home and Helpmekaar Social Services.
In collaboration with the Orania town council, OOM acquired the services of town planners in 2021 to establish a complete urban design for Orania.
This design provides the broad guidelines according to which Orania can and must develop from a town to a city.
The increasing interest in Orania compelled OOM to establish a liaison office in 2024 in Pretoria, in the heart of the largest Afrikaner centre in South Africa, to assist prospective Orania residents, businessmen and investors with real advice and guidance.